Hopoki is still on board with the CARHA Hockey World Cup in 2022 after postponement – what made this decision so easy for the team? Well it was really easy to make the decision about attending the 2022 tournament. Everybody on the team was keen to stick with the plan and play in the CHWC 2022 in Richmond. The event is really great fun and we wouldn’t miss it at any price. Of course it’s frustrating with Covid-19, but we can wait to have safe and fun tournament with all of the other teams.
Have you made your return to the ice yet, or are you planning on making your return soon? Hopoki started practicing on ice in August (twice a week), so we are back in business already!
How are you and your team planning to use the extra time to prepare for the CARHA Hockey World Cup, postponed to March of 2022? We play in a +40 league with 6 other teams, so we are concentrating to win the league with our extra preparation time. Hopefully the team will get even better and fight for the finale at our age group. There is also the possibility that our team only gets little bit older 😊.
Has Hopoki participated in a CARHA Hockey World Cup before? If so, what would you say to teams that may be on the fence about registering now that they’re able to make it in 2022? Hopoki has participated 2012 and 2016. The tournament is great fun and It´s nice to meet players from all over the world. The off-ice activities are not bad at all either! Our team has enjoyed the tournaments and traveling together with friends. Don´t miss it or you will regret it!