CARHA Hockey and the CARHA Hockey World Cup stand united with the people of Ukraine

Italia Veterans!

We had the opportunity to ask Morris from the Italia Veterans a few questions about their team's history, plans for Richmond in 2020, and their favourite part about this great tournament. Check it out below, and look for them in Richmond come March!

Tell us about your team - where do you come from and when were you founded?
The Italia Veterans team was born to combine the passion of a group of Italian players who play in different teams in northern Italy. We have all known each other for many years and take advantage of opportunities like this tournament to play all together. The Italian amateur team was founded in 2012.

Have you participated in the CARHA Hockey World Cup in the past?
Part of the team is participating for the third time in 2020 - we went to Sault Ste. Marie in 2012 and Windsor in 2016. Participation in Sault was an experiment and the stories of those who participated have fascinated other players.

What's your favorite part of the CARHA Hockey World Cup?
The best part is meeting teams and players from all over the world. We also like the fact that in all previous editions (as well as for 2020) we are contacted by our compatriots who have emigrated to Canada. Meeting them and knowing their stories is fantastic. In Windsor, seeing the schoolchildren of immigrants who cheered us on was exciting.

What do you expect most in Richmond in 2020?
We would like to be able to win a game but we know that the level of the opponents is always competitive. Richmond and Vancouver are extraordinary destinations and the idea of ​​being able to visit a large Canadian city hopefully will be an unforgettable experience.

What makes hockey so special?
Italy and hockey are two difficult words to combine because in our country they are all passionate about football. The people who practice and play hockey, however, are extraordinary and passionate. Unlike what happens in Canada, hockey is a sport that requires passion and a lot of effort because finding the space to practice is difficult. The beauty of this sport is that it brings people together creating an extraordinarily large family!