CARHA Hockey and the CARHA Hockey World Cup stand united with the people of Ukraine

Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers are needed for the Molson Canadian CARHA Hockey World Cup!

The tournament is an opportunity to interact with friendly, passionate hockey players from all corners of the globe!

With volunteer help needed in the areas of media, transportation, special events, sponsor activations, merchandise, and more, there’s plenty of ways that you can get involved in this special event. 

If you’ll be in the Richmond/Vancouver area at the time, or know someone that will be in the area, apply to be considered as a volunteer for the Molson Canadian CARHA Hockey World Cup!

Simply click here for more information or to apply now! Questions? Contact Kellan at ktochkin@carhahockey.ca for assistance. 

2 Responses

  1. I would like to volunteer for the World Cup tournament.
    I’m pretty much available throughout the week of the tournament..
    My husband is playing in the tournament and I would like to watch his games.
    Let me know what type of volunteer work is available.

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