CARHA Hockey and the CARHA Hockey World Cup stand united with the people of Ukraine

2020 CARHA Hockey World Cup Postponed

Due to the recent update and developments coming from the Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization with respect to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), CARHA Hockey regrets to announce that it will be postponing the 2020 CARHA Hockey World Cup. We are working with our partners to solidify new dates in 2021.

Please click here to read our full statement.

14 Responses

  1. Was looking forward to the comradery and fun times, but the health of rverbody involved, and their families is more important. See you all at the rescheduled time.

  2. What happens with the money of the players who will not be able to attend next year?

  3. When are you going to start sending the money back to everyone ? why should you keep this for 1 year, some players will not be able to attend next year.

  4. We support your decision to postpone the Cup. I hope all the players, clubs and teams will give you peace and time to solve the enormous problem, but I hope you also remember on the contrary that we are your customers and payers.

    1. Thank you for the support. We’re working through everything as fast as we can right now and have already started communicating with our teams!

  5. Players need refunds. I would like a refund as I cannot guarentee that I can attend next year. Why have you not communicated this to the teams.

  6. Hello Tyler, I have heard from my friends, that there is problem with changing air ticket, becouse event is podtponded and also deparure time for more then one year. They are looking how to save this situation, but do far this is big problem.

  7. Do you allow new team registration for 2021? This would be for team that attempted to join 2020 but was late with their application and denied.

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